The Hadsel Refugee Services are a municipal department under the municipal director.
The department has the responsibility for resettlement, qualification, and integration of refugees in Hadsel Municipality. We work closely together with other sectors and services, and focus on ensuring that all who are relocated here experience the same comprehensive and equal opportunities as all other residents in the municipality.
Employees in the refugee services
The Refugee Services’ offices are located in Melbu, at the community center. This is the same building where the Adult Education Center is.
Leader: Vegard Steingrimsen
Phone: 469 00 173
Case Worker: Tone Lise Johnsen
Phone: 417 04 473
Case Worker: Brita Olsen
Phone: 941 31 578
Social Worker: Frank Tore Nilssen
Phone: 417 04 474
Program Coordinator: Alicia Earnest
Phone: 417 04 476
Social Worker: Lulu Gakunju
Phone: 417 04 476
Resettlement happens following an agreement with the Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDI). The municipal council decides how many refugees are to be resettled within Hadsel Municipality. In the period between 2020 and 2023, Hadsel Municipality has decided to resettle 100 refugees. In 2022, IMDI has requested that Hadsel resettle 20 refugees.
Read more about the resettlement process here.
The Introduction Program
The Hadsel Refugee Services are responsible for implementing the municipality’s introduction program for newly arrived refugees. The target group for this program is newly arrived refugees between 18 and 55 years old.
The purpose of this program is to strengthen refugees’ participation in working life and society, as well as their economic independence. All who participate in the introduction program have the right to an Integration Plan (IP), which outlines the participants’ goals, and the specific activities and measures planned to achieve them. This plan is to be continuously revised.
Read more about the integration plan here.
The integration program is a full-time, year-round program. The introduction program consists of Norwegian language and society classes, measures that prepare participants to become a part of society, and work and/or educational measures. Participants in the introduction program receive monthly financial support, in the form of an introduction grant.
The Hadsel Refugee Services cooperate with the Hadsel Adult Education Center in order to implement Norwegian language and society classes, as well as primary school education. In addition, we work closely together with Hadsel ASVO, who finds internships and trainee positions for language and work practice. They have a solid contact network with the local business community. We also work closely with NAV to ensure quality qualification processes, and to strengthen the transition into working life. Furthermore, Vesterålen’s Career Center is an important partner when mapping out participants’ competency, earlier experience, and possibilities for the future.
Read more about the contents of the introduction program here.
Integration within the local society
Good integration happens within the local society. We in the Refugee Services in Hadsel are always open to new collaborations, and would like to have a broad network amongst the local society. Such networks can often contribute to opening doors into the job market for our participants.
Perhaps you are a part of a knitting club that would like to have more members, or involved in the local soccer club? Perhaps you are a business owner who would like to present your workplace to participants? Or perhaps you are simply willing to sit down for a chat with someone who needs to practice speaking Norwegian?
Feel free to reach out to us!