Employee of the week Name: Ilyaas Abdilahi Hussain Age: 54 years Residence: Melbu, but I have also lived in Stokmarknes before. Before that again I lived at the reception at Melbu, when we came to Norway in 2001. Where do you work? The environmental service at Stokmarknes. I have previously worked in the refugee service and at Nordlaks. Due to a heart attack, I have been away from work for a year, but now I am finally back in 100 percent work. 2019-06-17 |
What is occupying you at the moment?
I’m very happy to be back at work. I have missed the environment and the people. I’m not completely healthy yet, but I’m thinking positively and I’m looking forward to coming to work. I have good colleagues. It is very nice to work with people and help those who need it. That’s what I’m interested in. I live alone now, so I often come to work earlier than I should, because I need to be social with other people. I am also the director of the Vesterålen Islamic Center, a role that has occupied me on a voluntary basis for many years.
Tell us about the most special working day you have had?
I remember well when I worked in the refugee service and was to help a large family from Africa into their new home. It was the first time they saw electric lights, refrigerators and ovens. Everything was new to them and it has been wonderful fun to follow them ever since. They are very well integrated today.
What makes you laugh?
At work we have a very good tone, with a lot of humor and laughter. It is important to me.
What do you do if you get an unexpected day off?
We who live in Hadsel live in my opinion in the best place in the world. Leisure time should be a priority for hiking or other use of nature. I like Haugnyken or Husbykollen now that I live in Melbu. When I get in better shape again I can take longer trips as well. When I get to the top of a mountain, it feels very good.
What would you do if you won a million?
I just saw a report on famine in Somalia where two million people are at risk of starvation. I want to help those who really need it. I myself am fine, with a permanent job and security here in Norway. I do not want to spend that million on a luxury car or things like that, it goes to an organization that helps people.
Who would you give a flower bouquet to and why?
Maybe I can get two? I want to give to the councilor for his efforts for Hadsel and especially the project Storheia Arena. I think that is very nice and exciting. In addition, I would give flowers to Nav Hadsel, they do a very important job every day for many people in the municipality, even though they may not be so visible to most people. In addition, I want to praise my wife and my two boys.
As an 80-year-old, what would you tell any grandchildren?
I’m full of stories. From living in a war-torn country, through many years as a refugee in Europe, until we came here to Norway. I have experienced the difference between war and peace myself, and there are many lessons to be learned. In addition, I wanted to teach them to have a good tone with people and be positive. Life is not easy, but not heavy either.
What is the best compliment you have ever received?
In the various jobs I have had in the municipality, I have had several managers, and I have never received any negative feedback. All the time I have received a lot of praise from leaders, and I am very happy about that.
If you were to do something else, what would you do?
I wanted to work with Doctors Without Borders or the Red Cross. That way I could be out and help people directly.
What can you not live without?
I can not live without people. To be with people. I need socializing and working with others. Humans are medicine to me. The best medicine.
Who would you rather see in Hurtigruten’s House?
My favorite entertainment is football. My team is Arsenal. It did not go so well this season, even though they reached the final in one of the European Cups. But we can hope for improvement next season. Football on the big screen in Hurtigrutens Hus would be my choice.
Five favorites:
Music: Country music. That’s the best thing to listen to.
Food: There have been fish, and especially cod with vegetables.
TV series: As I said, I mostly watch football on TV, but I also like «The Farm». Otherwise, I do not watch much TV.
Expression: Insha’Allah. «If Allah wills». It’s a safe expression for me.
Place in Hadsel: The mountain, and first and foremost Storheia. It’s the best place.